Loving relationships with parents are very important in early child development. The affection we give our children helps shape the way they see the world and change all areas of their development. From birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. Early brain development has an everlasting impact on a child’s life.
You will blink and time will pass, you will question where your little baby went and who this grown up little human is in front of you. It is always easier to set a healthy foundation now then try to undo social and emotional issues in your child’s life later and time really does fly so focus on what’s important now.
Children develop skills in five main areas of development:
- Cognitive Development. This is the child’s ability to learn and solve problems. …
- Social and Emotional Development. …
- Speech and Language Development. …
- Fine Motor Skill Development. …
- Gross Motor Skill Development.
Social and emotional development in critical for any child.
I recently read a great article: “Why Children need love to grow” written by David R Hamilton PhD. David explains that: “Research shows that the early growth of at least one part of the brain (the orbitofrontal cortex – behind the orbits of the eyes) is almost wholly dependent upon the environment an infant is born into? The first 24 months is crucial in that it is during this time the building and shaping of this part of the brain sets the child up for life”. It is truly incredible the way he highlights the scientific reasoning behind why love is imperative in a child’s life.
Whilst you can, cherish all the fun having young kids gives us as parents. Give them endless affection, nothing Is more important than your children and shaping a happy and healthy future for them. Do all the fun and cliché things that make having a family so special. Teach them how to ride a bike, have a picnic on the beach, take them ice skating, get into some mum and daughter matching clothes or matching mother and son outfits and take a hundred photos to hold onto for ever. All you will have left once all has been said and done is the memories you make with your family and each and every memory with your child creates an everlasting feeling that will make them smile when they remember them throughout their life.
As they get older, all these awesome young and fun things like wearing matching mum and daughter clothes starts to fade slowly and you can’t get time back. We all work so hard or have so many “grown up” things to worry about but stopping in the moment and cherishing special moments in time with your family go a very long way.
Lots of small acts of love in your family work tremendously in the development of your child’s emotional and social development.
“Why Children need love to grow” written by David R Hamilton PhD: https://drdavidhamilton.com/why-children-need-love-to-grow/
Bernadette Habkouk
Owner of KoKo Adora
a mother’s love transpired into fashion through unity
Your local Australian mum and daughter matching clothes destination