We know that now more then ever people are struggling, so at KoKo Adora we have delayed our new releases and instead focused our attention on giving to the community.
We teamed up with 29 other incredible Australian businesses to bring this EPIC MAMA GIVEAWAY!
We were so proud to host and run this giveaway that made one lucky family incredibly happy this Easter with $2500 worth in prizes from 30 Australian businesses.
CONGRATULATIONS @itskelseywhoelsey on winning, we are so happy you won.
If you are not following, be sure to follow us on Instagram (@kokoadorafashion).Β We will be running another giveaway soon across Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to be following us and tag any other awesome mothers who want to join our journey.
Facebook Page: KoKo Adora
Instagram: @kokoadorafashion
Bernadette Habkouk
Owner of KoKo Adora
Transpiring a mothers love into fashion through matching mother and daughter clothes in AustraliaΒ